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Kalkaska Public Schools

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Kalkaska Band Boosters

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Music Education!

The Purposes Of The Kalkaska Band Boosters:

  1. To provide support and assistance to the band programs at Kalkaska Public Schools.
  2. To provide financial support for the needs and enrichment of the KHS and KMS band program at Kalkaska Public Schools.
  3. To promote a sense of community among the Kalkaska Public Schools band director, band students and their parents, and the community as a whole.       
  4. To increase the participation levels of the parents and students in the band program.
  5. To continue to improve the image and quality of the Kalkaska Public Schools band program which will create a more desirable place for students, parents, and staff members.
  6. To obtain donations and perform fund raising activities to provide uniforms, fund trips, and other necessities constructive to quality band performances. 

Band Booster Meeting Information:

The Band Boosters generally meet the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. and usually last about an hour and a half. They are held in the Kalkaska Middle School (KMS) Band Room. Your band student is welcome to attend! Please use the room entrance located at the north end of the building. Follow the drive that goes along the side of the gym. It leads to the fenced-in parking lot behind the school. There you will see the band room entrance. 


Band Booster Officers:

President, Melanie Potvin        

Vice President, Kathy Rogers                             

Treasurer, Kim Underhill                                       

Secretary, Jessica Davenport


Welcome to the Band Boosters

If you have questions that are school and program-related, please contact our director, Samantha Ward, at KMS 231.258.4040 or at KHS and email at sward@kpschools.com. Anything boosters related may be directed to the Band Boosters email at kalkaskaband@gmail.com. 

We realize for some people that it may be difficult to volunteer. For others, they can volunteer all the time. If everyone gives the time they are able, it would make things so much easier for everyone, "many hand make lighter work." If you are interested and available in volunteering, please contact our Band Director, Samantha Ward, by using the contact information above. You may also use the our Facebook handlebar @KalkaskaPublicSchoolBands. Thank YOU for supporting KPS fine arts.